Chat Room Schedule


Meet new friends. Find out what others face with infidelity. Kick back. Observe if you would like. Participate to get the most benefit from the chat room.

You may use the chat room 24/7. However, to increase the chances of finding people in the room, please note this schedule. Some of our chat room team will be there to greet you at those times.

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

1:00am EST
Do I stay or go?

7:00pm EST
When does the pain end?

Noon EST
How do I develop trust?

10:00pm EST
Do I stay or go?

Noon EST
How do I stop focusing on him/her?

4:00am EST
How do I move from reactor to actor?

7:00pm EST
What do I do with family and friends?

11:00am EST
What kind of affair do I face?

3:00pm EST
How do I move from reactor to actor?

Wishing you the best,

Chat Room Team